fredag 17. juli 2015

Den beste Rørlegger som befinner seg i Stavanger

Rørlegger Stavanger er en håndtverksutdannet fagarbeider som særlig arbeider med installering, reparering og vedlikehold av varme-, ventilasjons og sanitæriske anlegg. Faget omfattes av lærlingloven. Læretiden er normalt 4 år. Forutdannelse for faget gis ved mange videregående skoler. Rørleggere i Stavanger sentrum kan ha fått 3 års fagopplæring (etter egen opplæringsplan og egen fagprøve) innenfor metallfagene. Rørleggernes forgjengere var de såkalte postmakere, som lagde rør av furutømmer. Stokkene ble gjennomboret med 1½-4’ diameter og satt sammen med jernringer eller bøssinger. Postmakerene, som også ofte hadde tannlegeskrekk Oslo helt til ca. 1880. det moderne rørleggerfager oppstod ved anlegget av Christiania Gasværk 1846 og den første kloakk samme år. Brannen i 1858 i byens sentrum forlendiget omlegging til vannrør av jern. Den senere sanitære og varmetekniske utvikling, med bl.a. installasjon av vannklosetter, bad og sentralvarmeanlegg, har gitt faget et kraftig oppsving og gjort det til et meget betydelig byggefag. De fleste større rørleggingsbedrifter har ogsåingeniører i sin tjeneste. – Norske Rørleggerbedrifters Landsforening, som utgir bladet Rørfag, ble stiftet 1913 og omfatter ca. 430 medlemsbedrifter.

Wikipedia om Stavanger

i Stavanger sentrum

take a look at

torsdag 16. juli 2015

Tannlegeskrekk Oslo - Er du redd for tannlegen?

Hva er Tannlegeskrekk eller Odontofobi?

Årsaker og Symptomer
Noen mennesker ser ikke frem til tannlegetime noe mer enn de ser frem til besøk til en lege. De fleste tannbehandlinger er ikke smertefulle.
Men, akkurat som legeundersøkelser kan de gjøre folk at føler seg stresset.

De fleste kan leve med å ha litt angst for å gå til tannlegen. For de med Odontofobi, derimot, er tanken på en tannlegetime skremmende.
De kan være så redde, faktisk, at de vil gjøre omtrent alt for å unngå en tannlegeavtale.

Tannlegeskrekk er en intens, urimelig frykt. Folk kan frykte en bestemt aktivitet, objekt eller situasjon.
Personer med tannlegeskrekk har ofte droppet sine tannlegebesøk i mange år eller tiår.
For å unngå tannlegen, kan de ende opp med tannkjøttinfeksjoner, smerte, eller til og med ødelagte og stygge tenner.

Finally Summer!! Or Sommer in Norwegian

Finally it hit us, even thoug it is of Scandianvian quality. To all my Norwegian friends:

Kos dere i varmen, det varer ikke lenge desverre. Her er en fin sommerlåt å kose seg med.

Ha en god dag!

Have a nice day!

onsdag 15. juli 2015

Easy to learn, easy to remember The British Red Cross wants you to feel confident and willing to give first aid. Everyday First Aid makes it easy to learn the skills you'll need to help in an emergency.

I think it is vital to know First Aid. I really love this statement:

The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are.

We are part of a global voluntary network, responding to conflicts, natural disasters and individual emergencies.

We help vulnerable people in the UK and abroad prepare for, withstand and recover from emergencies in their own communities.
Whether in the UK or overseas, we respond to hundreds of disasters every year. From floods and fires to terrorist attacks, we're among the first to arrive, and we stay long after the crisis is over.

tirsdag 14. juli 2015

How to Make Best Espresso......

Sitting here in the morning enjoying my coffe, did a search about coffe, and found a lot of bla bla bla

The technology of the makes caffeine wonderful

It absolutely was October 23, 2010. We were in Surfing Area, North Carolina, getting ready to fortify yourself just before an additional grueling working day. Black liquid oozed into the stained carafe, we stood bleary-eyed, as the thin.

We had been roommates, Underwater infantry officials, perpetually sleep-deprived from the training, the organizing, the arrangements for battle. In the past caffeine was nothing more than a sour, coffee-shipping program. It absolutely was exactly what we needed to remain awake.

We had been missing a lot.

Speedy-ahead a few years. We've put up up our outfits, we're with the cooking, and we're creating espresso. Fantastic caffeine. The type that tells you first of all thing in the morning of everything else you appreciate in daily life. It's regarding the craft, the ritual, along with the occasions discussed across a dinner table.

If you're like us, no one ever taught you how to make coffee properly, and yet. Or the best way to take pleasure in it. Whenever you quit in at the nearby coffeehouse, things are hidden away powering the kitchen counter, past the boundary eliminated that you can recognize. Which was us a short while ago. But through trial and error-and an silly volume of faults-we've managed to understand. If you're going to drink it every day, or if you're going to serve it to other people, it may as well be good, right, it's a shame to waste these moments on bad coffee, and?

In fact, it must be much better than great. It needs to be ideal.

Precisely what is Good Gourmet coffee?

To learn very good caffeine, we have to start with just how the caffeine entire world procedures its makes. If you're trying categorize your coffee, it helps if you have a benchmark, after all.

Bla bla bla, just appreciate you morning coffe!

mandag 13. juli 2015

Any Reasons Why a Little Glass of Wine Each Day May Do You Good?

The list of wines benefits is long—and getting more surprising all the time. Already well-known as heart healthy, wine in moderation might help you lose weight, reduce forgetfulness, boost your immunity, and help prevent bone loss.

With America likely to edge out France and Italy in total wine consumption in the near future, according to one analyst, and with women buying more than 6 out of every 10 bottles sold in this country, were happy to report that wine may do all of the following:

1. Feed your head


Wine could preserve your memory. When researchers gave memory quizzes to women in their 70s, those who drank one drink or more every day scored much better than those who drank less or not at all. Wine helps prevent clots and reduce blood vessel inflammation, both of which have been linked to cognitive decline and heart disease, explains Tedd Goldfinger, DO, of the University of Arizona School of Medicine. Alcohol also seems to raise HDL, the so-called good cholesterol, which helps unclog your arteries.

2. Keep the scale in your corner
Studies find that people who drink wine daily have lower body mass than those who indulge occasionally; moderate wine drinkers have narrower waists and less abdominal fat than people who drink liquor. Alcohol may encourage your body to burn extra calories for as long as 90 minutes after you down a glass. Beer seems to have a similar effect.